Report de la tournée BellRays

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Veuillez trouver ci joint l’annonce du report de la tournée des Bellrays d’octobre à fevrier 2018 pour raisons medicales merci d’accepter nos excuses pour cet état de fait independant du groupe et notre volonté

Due to circumstances beyond our control The BellRays must regrettably postpone our EU dates from October 4th through November 5th. We would not do so if it were not a matter of personal wellbeing and we hope you will understand and support us and our privacy. We are currently doing everything we can to reschedule the tour and our release for February 2018.
Those of you familiar with us know that we rarely, if ever, cancel a show, much less an entire tour. Our deepest apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your support.
– The BellRays

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